Cookie Jars

When I was growing up my Mom had this ugly cookie jar that sat on her counter.  It was a dark brown dog standing up holding a sign that said "Cookies" and it had a lite blue hat on.  I have such good memories of that cookie jar because it was always full of my Mom's homemade cookies.  My Dad wasn't much for store bought cookies so my Mom baked alot so that he had stuff for his lunch everyday.  And I can remember that my brother and I would always try to sneak cookies when Mom wasn't around.  But the darn lid on that cookie jar always gave us away and sure enough we would get in trouble for sneaking cookies.

My parents have moved out of the house that I grow up in and I am not sure what happened to that ugly cookie jar.  I am hoping that my Mom still has it somewhere. I might just have to call and ask but I am afraid of the answer I might get...

So in the meantime I went out this weekend and bought my very own cookie jar. I found this one at Pier One (fast becoming my favorite store).  I don't like alot of things on my counters but a cookie jar brings back great memories for me that I decided that I could make room.

So here is my new cookie jar.  I had to bake a double batch of cookies just to fill it up and rearrange things on the counter.  I made sure that it was right next to the coffee pot.   I love the little chalk board on the front where I can let my husband know what type of cookie he is getting.

Kinda funny the little things that bring us comfort in life.  Like a cookie jar.  What childhood comforts do you have in your home?

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Nothing like Vacation Shopping....

So I'll admit it out loud - I love to shop and what I love even more then shopping is VACATION SHOPPING.  You know why?  Because I don't feel half  as guilty shopping on vacation as I do in just day to day shopping.   Don't know why.  And lucky for me, I have a hubby who doesn't mind at all and in fact when we are vacation he urges me even more to pick up things that I see and really like....

Like this guy.  In the scrapbook store that I found in Oregon there is a gal who does tole paining classes.  Now I couldn't this even if I tried and believe me I have but I love toled painted things.  They just feel very country to me.  And of course anyone who knows me knows that Fall is my absolute favorite time of year.  So I picked him up for the front door this fall.

And since were already in the scrapbook store I had to pick up some new goodies for scrapping.  What I loved about this store was that I found papers that I hadn't seen before.  Which was all the more reason to stock up.  :)

Perfect for the vacation pages that I plan on doing!!

These will come in handy for our Annual Pumpkin Dinner album.

Couldn't resist this cute cupcake paper even if I just use it for cards.

This paper is from Goose Berry Patch and I love their stuff.  They have such a country feel to their stuff.  I really like all the little saying on this paper and can cut each one out for different layouts or cards.

And here it is...... My new Pendleton Wool Blanket.  I have already curled up under just to see how it feels.  So cozy!!!

And I have saved the best find for last.........

Now just in case you don't know what this is, it's called a Flower Frog.  You would put in in a vase or container and the stick your flowers in it for an arrangement.  But it works so much better as a card holder for me. 

I didn't make this card but just using it as an example.   I have searched and searched for a flower frog.  And I am always so jealous when I see them on other people's blogs.  So now for only $5.00 I have my very own.  Although they were some really nice antiquey ones in this store for about a little more then double what I paid for this guy but I couldn't see buying them since it's only going to be holding cards.

So all in all I am very happy with my Vacation shopping.  And can't wait to do it again on our next vacation.

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Vacation Time...

I haven't been around lately because DH and I went on vacation to Oregon.  We actually went to Baker City, OR to see the Oregon Trail museum.  It was pretty interesting and we actually got to stand in some of the last wagon tracks.  There are only 300 miles of these tracks left - kinda sad when you think about the fact that such an important part of our history will someday just fade back into the earth.

It was so nice to get out of the cold grey days of Northern Calif for a week and we saw some beautiful scenery while we were driving.  We also headed up to Pendleton, OR where I bought a Pendleton blanket at the factory - I am in heaven.  Although I did have to laugh because my youngest had no idea what a Pendleton blanket was or how great they are.

And I found something that I have been trying to find for a long time in an antique store in Baker City, which I will share with you tomorrow along with all the other goodies that I found in a scrapbook store next to the antique shop.

But for now I thought I would show some of the beautiful country in Oregon.

I just love visiting Oregon and always hate to leave :(

Hey what do you think of the updates to my blog?  Kendall came down the other night and helped me fix a few things and added the cool reading list for me.  It's just little things but they sure made a big difference to me.

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I am still here....

Just extremely busy.  Good thing I don't have kids still living at home I would really have no time.

I did find alittle bit of time to make a girlfriend a Birthday card and get that in the mail to her.  Her favorite colors are purple and green so I tired to use those as much as possible to cheer her up.  She has been unemployed since May.

I thought it came out pretty cute for a rush job.

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