Vacation Time...

I haven't been around lately because DH and I went on vacation to Oregon.  We actually went to Baker City, OR to see the Oregon Trail museum.  It was pretty interesting and we actually got to stand in some of the last wagon tracks.  There are only 300 miles of these tracks left - kinda sad when you think about the fact that such an important part of our history will someday just fade back into the earth.

It was so nice to get out of the cold grey days of Northern Calif for a week and we saw some beautiful scenery while we were driving.  We also headed up to Pendleton, OR where I bought a Pendleton blanket at the factory - I am in heaven.  Although I did have to laugh because my youngest had no idea what a Pendleton blanket was or how great they are.

And I found something that I have been trying to find for a long time in an antique store in Baker City, which I will share with you tomorrow along with all the other goodies that I found in a scrapbook store next to the antique shop.

But for now I thought I would show some of the beautiful country in Oregon.

I just love visiting Oregon and always hate to leave :(

Hey what do you think of the updates to my blog?  Kendall came down the other night and helped me fix a few things and added the cool reading list for me.  It's just little things but they sure made a big difference to me.

Thanks for stopping by...


Kendall said...

Wow those pictures are AWESOME! We forgot to look at your Oregon pictures when I was down the other night!! :-( But these ones are so pretty!

Unknown said...

Your pictures are amazing! What a beautiful place!

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