4th of July card

Wow, it's been a few days since I posted anything but I have good reasons. Friday night we has a ball with the kids and their friends. Lots of yummy snacky foods & drinks. We also played a really fun game called "Imagine if..." It was a pretty nice night for a change and Martin built a fire in our outdoor fire pit. Everyone was here until about midnight. We all had a great time.

But Saturday morning I was dragging. Not use to staying up so late. Must be getting old (not). Didn't get too much done during the day and Saturday night Martin & Kendall went to a baseball game and I stayed home and read a book.

Sunday was a much better day, I baked a cake and worked on my 4th of July centerpiece. Just about finished and it's out coming very cute. Everything was good until in the afternoon and then the dreaded migraine started. And it stayed until last night....ugh!!! God, I hate having headaches. So I've been pretty useless until today.
Today I came home after work and came up with this little card to send to Jenna for 4th of July. It is some of the leftovers that I had from my centerpiece. Came out pretty cute!

So I need to make a couple of more cards for the 4th of July and that's what I am working on tonight. But it sure doesn't feel like it's getting close to July around here. Don't know about where your at but here what I am seeing tonight when I look out my scraproom window.

Nice, huh? I sure wish Summer would hurry up and get here. Before it's time for fall to arrive.

Well I am off to make some more cards.

Thanks for stopping by...


1 comment:

Danielle said...

I saw on 2Peas you are from NYC, so am I and when i saw this post I had to say, we FINALLY got sun this weekend! lol. Great blog!

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